Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What would you do?

What would you do if the power grid shut down for a few days? A few weeks? What if it went down for a few months? Do you have an alternative power source?

We've planned our home with out the use of traditional power. For the first four months living in our cabin, we used nothing but battery operated lanterns. Now we have solar ones. With 2 in each room and four in the living room we won't really have a need for electricity. We'll have the generator available if we need it but it won't be "necessary." I can't tell you how freeing it is to know we're free from the high electricity bill!!!

Can you do with out things like video games, electric dryers etc when the grid goes down (notice I didn't say ... "if it goes down") It will go down at some point in the future. It's just a matter of when and for how long. How will your life change?


  1. I would almost be happy. I mean, we'd have a hard adjustment period, but adjust we would! It would be a sink or swim situation and when you want to swim anyway, sometimes that's what it takes. I HATE (H A T E!) our dependence on all things electrical and electronic. I think I'd not only adjust, but thrive in it. So... bring it; just not in the form of national devastation. :(

  2. We're not looking to give up power while we have it available, but we are definitely starting the process of being prepared if the grid goes down. Our first major step, that my husband is currently working on/researching is getting some sort of solar power for our well pump (which will require replacing the pump as well.) After that, we'll work on the next step. I like your lantern idea...will have to look into those. Right now, we just have candles and lots of boxes of matches!

  3. Rhenda - we were ready & had been preparing for no power ... and it's amazing when it happens. I think electricity does more than power things. I think it sucks the energy out of people. I can't explain how ... but I believe it effects people negatively.

    Jenny - there are solar water pumps. I'm not sure if they are powerful enough to do what you need them to though. I've never researched that. I will though because it may make some ideas of ours a little easier.

  4. We lived in the middle of a forest 23 miles from the nearest paved road for a year once. That was a year full of learning experiences. I can't get over how much less expensive it really was. I loved it that we went to bed early (not much to do by oil lamp) and got up with the light. We were much healthier! Sometimes I wish we could do it again, but my husband has many medical problems now so we have to live on the grid now. I still tell everyone that the best modern invention is running water!
