Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Another give-away (one from some one I know)

Check this out!!! You want something to hang on your wall that has meaning? This would be a GREAT give-away for you to enter!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Contest announced!!!

I wanted to let you all know that I've announced a new contest on my other blog. It's a fun one & I hope you enter!!! You can check it out here

http://tinyurl.com/yhw354mor by going to


I have added a new music player to this site. The song is one I wrote (and am singing) for my grandmother. As songs are released, they'll be added to the player. I'm trying to combine my professional & personal life.

Thanks for letting me introduce you in to me as an artist.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Two contests

Head over to:

Raising Arrows to win a SpellQuizzer

Retta's Ramblings to win a co-writer opportunity on her upcoming CD release

Monday, November 2, 2009


Today has been a productive day. Though not finished, we did work on a lot of different things. All these things done on top of our regular day & routine:

  • calls on properties (done)
  • water usage calculations (done)
  • electric usage calculations (done)
  • propane usage calculations (done)
  • budget (started)
  • price necessary homestead items (in progress)
  • discuss construction methods (done)
  • prioritize homestead projects (in progress)
Now we embark on a new part of the journey. We'll get serious about cutting our electric & propane/heat usage to see how much we can cut off of our bill. I'll post results as we see them.

Getting ready!

A move ... our final (as far as we're concerned) is on the horizon. We've been making a "business plan" for our move ... to keep track of our goals, when they are reached, what steps are necessary to meet obligations, etc. We have some work to be done before the plan is completed though. We'll use the next few days to get that done.

Each parcel we're considering has a small cabin on the property, so instead of just building from scratch, we'll add on a little at a time. This really does make life easier.

We have talked about doing this for so long ... last year we'd started the process ... but things changed at the last minute. We don't believe that will happen this time. Homesteading here we come!!!

Tomorrow's to-do:

Goal plan & steps to get there
Set calendar dates

As soon as goals are set, I'll share them here. Are you as excited as I am?